- Structural images: 1
- FreeSurfer reconstruction: Pre-existing directory
- Output spaces: MNI152NLin2009cAsym, fsaverage5
Anatomical Conformation
- Input T1w images: 1
- Output orientation: RAS
- Output dimensions: 186x256x256
- Output voxel size: 0.9mm x 0.9mm x 0.9mm
- Discarded images: 0
Skull stripped T1
Stripped T1 placed over an image of the unstripped T1
ANTS BrainExtraction: brain mask over anatomical input
Filename: reportlets/fmriprep/sub-387/anat/sub-387_T1w_t1_skull_strip.html
T1 segmentation
FAST: segmentation over anatomical