Source code for fmriprep.workflows.bold.util

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Utility workflows

.. autofunction:: init_bold_reference_wf
.. autofunction:: init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf
.. autofunction:: init_skullstrip_bold_wf

from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces import utility as niu, fsl, afni, ants
from niworkflows.interfaces.utils import CopyXForm
from niworkflows.interfaces.masks import SimpleShowMaskRPT
from niworkflows.interfaces.registration import EstimateReferenceImage

from ...interfaces.nilearn import MaskEPI
from ...interfaces import ValidateImage


[docs]def init_bold_reference_wf(omp_nthreads, bold_file=None, name='bold_reference_wf', gen_report=False, enhance_t2=False): """ This workflow generates reference BOLD images for a series The raw reference image is the target of :abbr:`HMC (head motion correction)`, and a contrast-enhanced reference is the subject of distortion correction, as well as boundary-based registration to T1w and template spaces. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold import init_bold_reference_wf wf = init_bold_reference_wf(omp_nthreads=1) **Parameters** bold_file : str BOLD series NIfTI file omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use name : str Name of workflow (default: ``bold_reference_wf``) gen_report : bool Whether a mask report node should be appended in the end enhance_t2 : bool Perform logarithmic transform of input BOLD image to improve contrast before calculating the preliminary mask **Inputs** bold_file BOLD series NIfTI file **Outputs** bold_file Validated BOLD series NIfTI file raw_ref_image Reference image to which BOLD series is motion corrected skip_vols Number of non-steady-state volumes detected at beginning of ``bold_file`` ref_image Contrast-enhanced reference image ref_image_brain Skull-stripped reference image bold_mask Skull-stripping mask of reference image validation_report HTML reportlet indicating whether ``bold_file`` had a valid affine **Subworkflows** * :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.bold.util.init_enhance_and_skullstrip_wf` """ workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['bold_file']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['bold_file', 'raw_ref_image', 'skip_vols', 'ref_image', 'ref_image_brain', 'bold_mask', 'validation_report', 'mask_report']), name='outputnode') # Simplify manually setting input image if bold_file is not None: inputnode.inputs.bold_file = bold_file validate = pe.Node(ValidateImage(), name='validate', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) gen_ref = pe.Node(EstimateReferenceImage(), name="gen_ref", mem_gb=1) # OE: 128x128x128x50 * 64 / 8 ~ 900MB. enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf = init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf(omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, validate, [('bold_file', 'in_file')]), (validate, gen_ref, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (gen_ref, enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf, [('ref_image', 'inputnode.in_file')]), (validate, outputnode, [('out_file', 'bold_file'), ('out_report', 'validation_report')]), (gen_ref, outputnode, [('ref_image', 'raw_ref_image'), ('n_volumes_to_discard', 'skip_vols')]), (enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.bias_corrected_file', 'ref_image'), ('outputnode.mask_file', 'bold_mask'), ('outputnode.skull_stripped_file', 'ref_image_brain')]), ]) if gen_report: mask_reportlet = pe.Node(SimpleShowMaskRPT(), name='mask_reportlet') workflow.connect([ (enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf, mask_reportlet, [ ('outputnode.bias_corrected_file', 'background_file'), ('outputnode.mask_file', 'mask_file'), ]), ])
return workflow
[docs]def init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf(name='enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf', omp_nthreads=1, enhance_t2=False): """ This workflow takes in a :abbr:`BOLD (blood-oxygen level-dependant)` :abbr:`fMRI (functional MRI)` average/summary (e.g. a reference image averaging non-steady-state timepoints), and sharpens the histogram with the application of the N4 algorithm for removing the :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)` bias field and calculates a signal mask. Steps of this workflow are: 1. Calculate a conservative mask using Nilearn's ``create_epi_mask``. 2. Run ANTs' ``N4BiasFieldCorrection`` on the input :abbr:`BOLD (blood-oxygen level-dependant)` average, using the mask generated in 1) instead of the internal Otsu thresholding. 3. Calculate a loose mask using FSL's ``bet``, with one mathematical morphology dilation of one iteration and a sphere of 6mm as structuring element. 4. Mask the :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)`-corrected image with the latest mask calculated in 3), then use AFNI's ``3dUnifize`` to *standardize* the T2* contrast distribution. 5. Calculate a mask using AFNI's ``3dAutomask`` after the contrast enhancement of 4). 6. Calculate a final mask as the intersection of 3) and 5). 7. Apply final mask on the enhanced reference. .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.util import init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf wf = init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf(omp_nthreads=1) **Parameters** name : str Name of workflow (default: ``enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf``) omp_nthreads : int number of threads available to parallel nodes enhance_t2 : bool perform logarithmic transform of input BOLD image to improve contrast before calculating the preliminary mask **Inputs** in_file BOLD image (single volume) **Outputs** bias_corrected_file the ``in_file`` after `N4BiasFieldCorrection`_ skull_stripped_file the ``bias_corrected_file`` after skull-stripping mask_file mask of the skull-stripped input file out_report reportlet for the skull-stripping .. _N4BiasFieldCorrection: """ workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['in_file']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'mask_file', 'skull_stripped_file', 'bias_corrected_file']), name='outputnode') # Create a loose mask to avoid N4 internal's Otsu mask n4_mask = pe.Node(MaskEPI(upper_cutoff=0.75, enhance_t2=enhance_t2, opening=1, no_sanitize=True), name='n4_mask') # Run N4 normally, force num_threads=1 for stability (images are small, no need for >1) n4_correct = pe.Node(ants.N4BiasFieldCorrection(dimension=3, copy_header=True), name='n4_correct', n_procs=1) # Create a generous BET mask out of the bias-corrected EPI skullstrip_first_pass = pe.Node(fsl.BET(frac=0.2, mask=True), name='skullstrip_first_pass') bet_dilate = pe.Node(fsl.DilateImage( operation='max', kernel_shape='sphere', kernel_size=6.0, internal_datatype='char'), name='skullstrip_first_dilate') bet_mask = pe.Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name='skullstrip_first_mask') # Use AFNI's unifize for T2 constrast & fix header unifize = pe.Node(afni.Unifize( t2=True, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ', # Default -clfrac is 0.1, 0.4 was too conservative # -rbt because I'm a Jedi AFNI Master (see 3dUnifize's documentation) args='-clfrac 0.2 -rbt 18.3 65.0 90.0', out_file="uni.nii.gz"), name='unifize') fixhdr_unifize = pe.Node(CopyXForm(), name='fixhdr_unifize', mem_gb=0.1) # Run ANFI's 3dAutomask to extract a refined brain mask skullstrip_second_pass = pe.Node(afni.Automask(dilate=1, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='skullstrip_second_pass') fixhdr_skullstrip2 = pe.Node(CopyXForm(), name='fixhdr_skullstrip2', mem_gb=0.1) # Take intersection of both masks combine_masks = pe.Node(fsl.BinaryMaths(operation='mul'), name='combine_masks') # Compute masked brain apply_mask = pe.Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name='apply_mask') workflow.connect([ (inputnode, n4_mask, [('in_file', 'in_files')]), (inputnode, n4_correct, [('in_file', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, fixhdr_unifize, [('in_file', 'hdr_file')]), (inputnode, fixhdr_skullstrip2, [('in_file', 'hdr_file')]), (n4_mask, n4_correct, [('out_mask', 'mask_image')]), (n4_correct, skullstrip_first_pass, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (skullstrip_first_pass, bet_dilate, [('mask_file', 'in_file')]), (bet_dilate, bet_mask, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]), (skullstrip_first_pass, bet_mask, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (bet_mask, unifize, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (unifize, fixhdr_unifize, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (fixhdr_unifize, skullstrip_second_pass, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (skullstrip_first_pass, combine_masks, [('mask_file', 'in_file')]), (skullstrip_second_pass, fixhdr_skullstrip2, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (fixhdr_skullstrip2, combine_masks, [('out_file', 'operand_file')]), (fixhdr_unifize, apply_mask, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (combine_masks, apply_mask, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]), (combine_masks, outputnode, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]), (apply_mask, outputnode, [('out_file', 'skull_stripped_file')]), (n4_correct, outputnode, [('output_image', 'bias_corrected_file')]), ])
return workflow
[docs]def init_skullstrip_bold_wf(name='skullstrip_bold_wf'): """ This workflow applies skull-stripping to a BOLD image. It is intended to be used on an image that has previously been bias-corrected with :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.bold.util.init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf` .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.util import init_skullstrip_bold_wf wf = init_skullstrip_bold_wf() Inputs in_file BOLD image (single volume) Outputs skull_stripped_file the ``in_file`` after skull-stripping mask_file mask of the skull-stripped input file out_report reportlet for the skull-stripping """ workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['in_file']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['mask_file', 'skull_stripped_file', 'out_report']), name='outputnode') skullstrip_first_pass = pe.Node(fsl.BET(frac=0.2, mask=True), name='skullstrip_first_pass') skullstrip_second_pass = pe.Node(afni.Automask(dilate=1, outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='skullstrip_second_pass') combine_masks = pe.Node(fsl.BinaryMaths(operation='mul'), name='combine_masks') apply_mask = pe.Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name='apply_mask') mask_reportlet = pe.Node(SimpleShowMaskRPT(), name='mask_reportlet') workflow.connect([ (inputnode, skullstrip_first_pass, [('in_file', 'in_file')]), (skullstrip_first_pass, skullstrip_second_pass, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (skullstrip_first_pass, combine_masks, [('mask_file', 'in_file')]), (skullstrip_second_pass, combine_masks, [('out_file', 'operand_file')]), (combine_masks, outputnode, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]), # Masked file (inputnode, apply_mask, [('in_file', 'in_file')]), (combine_masks, apply_mask, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]), (apply_mask, outputnode, [('out_file', 'skull_stripped_file')]), # Reportlet (inputnode, mask_reportlet, [('in_file', 'background_file')]), (combine_masks, mask_reportlet, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]), (mask_reportlet, outputnode, [('out_report', 'out_report')]), ])
return workflow