Source code for fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.phdiff

#!/usr/bin/env python
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Phase-difference B0 estimation

The field inhomogeneity inside the scanner (fieldmap) is proportional to the
phase drift between two subsequent :abbr:`GRE (gradient recall echo)`

Fieldmap preprocessing workflow for fieldmap data structure
8.9.1 in BIDS 1.0.0: one phase diff and at least one magnitude image

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals

import os
import os.path as op

from nipype.interfaces import ants
from nipype.interfaces import fsl
from nipype.interfaces import io as nio
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.workflows.dmri.fsl.utils import siemens2rads, demean_image, cleanup_edge_pipeline
from niworkflows.interfaces.masks import BETRPT

from fmriprep.interfaces import ReadSidecarJSON, IntraModalMerge
from fmriprep.interfaces.bids import DerivativesDataSink

[docs]def init_phdiff_wf(reportlets_dir, name='phdiff_wf'): """ Estimates the fieldmap using a phase-difference image and one or more magnitude images corresponding to two or more :abbr:`GRE (Gradient Echo sequence)` acquisitions. The `original code was taken from nipype <>`_. .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.phdiff import init_phdiff_wf wf = init_phdiff_wf(reportlets_dir='.') Outputs:: outputnode.fmap_ref - The average magnitude image, skull-stripped outputnode.fmap_mask - The brain mask applied to the fieldmap outputnode.fmap - The estimated fieldmap in Hz """ inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['magnitude', 'phasediff']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['fmap', 'fmap_ref', 'fmap_mask']), name='outputnode') def _pick1st(inlist): return inlist[0] # Read phasediff echo times meta = pe.Node(ReadSidecarJSON(), name='meta') dte = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_delta_te), name='dte', run_without_submitting=True) # Merge input magnitude images magmrg = pe.Node(IntraModalMerge(), name='magmrg') # de-gradient the fields ("bias/illumination artifact") n4 = pe.Node(ants.N4BiasFieldCorrection(dimension=3), name='n4') bet = pe.Node(BETRPT(generate_report=True, frac=0.6, mask=True), name='bet') ds_fmap_mask = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=reportlets_dir, suffix='fmap_mask'),name='ds_fmap_mask') # uses mask from bet; outputs a mask # dilate = pe.Node(fsl.maths.MathsCommand( # nan2zeros=True, args='-kernel sphere 5 -dilM'), name='MskDilate') # phase diff -> radians pha2rads = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=siemens2rads), name='pha2rads') # FSL PRELUDE will perform phase-unwrapping prelude = pe.Node(fsl.PRELUDE(), name='prelude') denoise = pe.Node(fsl.SpatialFilter(operation='median', kernel_shape='sphere', kernel_size=3), name='denoise') demean = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=demean_image), name='demean') cleanup_wf = cleanup_edge_pipeline(name="cleanup_wf") compfmap = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=phdiff2fmap), name='compfmap') # The phdiff2fmap interface is equivalent to: # rad2rsec (using rads2radsec from nipype.workflows.dmri.fsl.utils) # pre_fugue = pe.Node(fsl.FUGUE(save_fmap=True), name='ComputeFieldmapFUGUE') # rsec2hz (divide by 2pi) workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, meta, [('phasediff', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, magmrg, [('magnitude', 'in_files')]), (magmrg, n4, [('out_avg', 'input_image')]), (n4, prelude, [('output_image', 'magnitude_file')]), (n4, bet, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (bet, prelude, [('mask_file', 'mask_file')]), (inputnode, pha2rads, [('phasediff', 'in_file')]), (pha2rads, prelude, [('out', 'phase_file')]), (meta, dte, [('out_dict', 'in_values')]), (dte, compfmap, [('out', 'delta_te')]), (prelude, denoise, [('unwrapped_phase_file', 'in_file')]), (denoise, demean, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (demean, cleanup_wf, [('out', 'inputnode.in_file')]), (bet, cleanup_wf, [('mask_file', 'inputnode.in_mask')]), (cleanup_wf, compfmap, [('outputnode.out_file', 'in_file')]), (compfmap, outputnode, [('out', 'fmap')]), (bet, outputnode, [('mask_file', 'fmap_mask'), ('out_file', 'fmap_ref')]), (inputnode, ds_fmap_mask, [('phasediff', 'source_file')]), (bet, ds_fmap_mask, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) return workflow
# ------------------------------------------------------ # Helper functions # ------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def phdiff2fmap(in_file, delta_te, out_file=None): r""" Converts the input phase-difference map into a fieldmap in Hz, using the eq. (1) of [Hutton2002]_: .. math:: \Delta B_0 (\text{T}^{-1}) = \frac{\Delta \Theta}{2\pi\gamma \Delta\text{TE}} In this case, we do not take into account the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton (:math:`\gamma`), since it will be applied inside TOPUP: .. math:: \Delta B_0 (\text{Hz}) = \frac{\Delta \Theta}{2\pi \Delta\text{TE}} .. [Hutton2002] Hutton et al., Image Distortion Correction in fMRI: A Quantitative Evaluation, NeuroImage 16(1):217-240, 2002. doi:`10.1006/nimg.2001.1054 <>`_. """ import numpy as np import nibabel as nb import os.path as op import math # GYROMAG_RATIO_H_PROTON_MHZ = 42.576 if out_file is None: fname, fext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file)) if fext == '.gz': fname, _ = op.splitext(fname) out_file = op.abspath('./%s_fmap.nii.gz' % fname) image = nb.load(in_file) data = (image.get_data().astype(np.float32) / (2. * math.pi * delta_te)) nb.Nifti1Image(data, image.affine, image.header).to_filename(out_file) return out_file
def _delta_te(in_values, te1=None, te2=None): if isinstance(in_values, float): te2 = in_values te1 = 0. if isinstance(in_values, dict): te1 = in_values.get('EchoTime1') te2 = in_values.get('EchoTime2') if not all((te1, te2)): te2 = in_values.get('EchoTimeDifference') te1 = 0 if isinstance(in_values, list): te2, te1 = in_values if isinstance(te1, list): te1 = te1[1] if isinstance(te2, list): te2 = te2[1] if te1 is None or te2 is None: raise RuntimeError( 'No echo time information found') return abs(float(te2)-float(te1))