Source code for fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.pepolar

#!/usr/bin/env python
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.. _sdc_pepolar :

Phase Encoding POLARity (*PEPOLAR*) techniques


import pkg_resources as pkgr

from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces import afni, ants, fsl, utility as niu
from niworkflows.interfaces import CopyHeader
from niworkflows.interfaces.registration import ANTSApplyTransformsRPT

from ...interfaces import StructuralReference
from ..bold.util import init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf

[docs]def init_pepolar_unwarp_wf(bold_meta, epi_fmaps, omp_nthreads=1, name="pepolar_unwarp_wf"): """ This workflow takes in a set of EPI files with opposite phase encoding direction than the target file and calculates a displacements field (in other words, an ANTs-compatible warp file). This procedure works if there is only one '_epi' file is present (as long as it has the opposite phase encoding direction to the target file). The target file will be used to estimate the field distortion. However, if there is another '_epi' file present with a matching phase encoding direction to the target it will be used instead. Currently, different phase encoding dimension in the target file and the '_epi' file(s) (for example 'i' and 'j') is not supported. The warp field correcting for the distortions is estimated using AFNI's 3dQwarp, with displacement estimation limited to the target file phase encoding direction. It also calculates a new mask for the input dataset that takes into account the distortions. .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.pepolar import init_pepolar_unwarp_wf wf = init_pepolar_unwarp_wf( bold_meta={'PhaseEncodingDirection': 'j'}, epi_fmaps=[('/dataset/sub-01/fmap/sub-01_epi.nii.gz', 'j-')], omp_nthreads=8) Inputs in_reference the reference image in_reference_brain the reference image skullstripped in_mask a brain mask corresponding to ``in_reference`` Outputs out_reference the ``in_reference`` after unwarping out_reference_brain the ``in_reference`` after unwarping and skullstripping out_warp the corresponding :abbr:`DFM (displacements field map)` compatible with ANTs out_mask mask of the unwarped input file """ bold_file_pe = bold_meta["PhaseEncodingDirection"] args = '-noXdis -noYdis -noZdis' rm_arg = {'i': '-noXdis', 'j': '-noYdis', 'k': '-noZdis'}[bold_file_pe[0]] args = args.replace(rm_arg, '') usable_fieldmaps_matching_pe = [] usable_fieldmaps_opposite_pe = [] for fmap, fmap_pe in epi_fmaps: if fmap_pe == bold_file_pe: usable_fieldmaps_matching_pe.append(fmap) elif fmap_pe[0] == bold_file_pe[0]: usable_fieldmaps_opposite_pe.append(fmap) if not usable_fieldmaps_opposite_pe: raise Exception("None of the discovered fieldmaps has the right " "phase encoding direction. Possibly a problem with " "metadata. If not, rerun with '--ignore fieldmaps' to " "skip distortion correction step.") workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['in_reference', 'in_reference_brain', 'in_mask']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['out_reference', 'out_reference_brain', 'out_warp', 'out_mask']), name='outputnode') prepare_epi_opposite_wf = init_prepare_epi_wf(omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, name="prepare_epi_opposite_wf") prepare_epi_opposite_wf.inputs.inputnode.fmaps = usable_fieldmaps_opposite_pe qwarp = pe.Node(afni.QwarpPlusMinus(pblur=[0.05, 0.05], blur=[-1, -1], noweight=True, minpatch=9, nopadWARP=True, environ={'OMP_NUM_THREADS': '%d' % omp_nthreads}, args=args), name='qwarp', n_procs=omp_nthreads) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, prepare_epi_opposite_wf, [('in_reference_brain', 'inputnode.ref_brain')]), (prepare_epi_opposite_wf, qwarp, [('outputnode.out_file', 'base_file')]), ]) if usable_fieldmaps_matching_pe: prepare_epi_matching_wf = init_prepare_epi_wf(omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, name="prepare_epi_matching_wf") prepare_epi_matching_wf.inputs.inputnode.fmaps = usable_fieldmaps_matching_pe workflow.connect([ (inputnode, prepare_epi_matching_wf, [('in_reference_brain', 'inputnode.ref_brain')]), (prepare_epi_matching_wf, qwarp, [('outputnode.out_file', 'source_file')]), ]) else: workflow.connect([(inputnode, qwarp, [('in_reference_brain', 'source_file')])]) to_ants = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_fix_hdr), name='to_ants', mem_gb=0.01) cphdr_warp = pe.Node(CopyHeader(), name='cphdr_warp', mem_gb=0.01) unwarp_reference = pe.Node(ANTSApplyTransformsRPT(dimension=3, generate_report=False, float=True, interpolation='LanczosWindowedSinc'), name='unwarp_reference') enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf = init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf(omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, cphdr_warp, [('in_reference', 'hdr_file')]), (qwarp, cphdr_warp, [('source_warp', 'in_file')]), (cphdr_warp, to_ants, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (to_ants, unwarp_reference, [('out', 'transforms')]), (inputnode, unwarp_reference, [('in_reference', 'reference_image'), ('in_reference', 'input_image')]), (unwarp_reference, enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf, [ ('output_image', 'inputnode.in_file')]), (unwarp_reference, outputnode, [('output_image', 'out_reference')]), (enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.mask_file', 'out_mask'), ('outputnode.skull_stripped_file', 'out_reference_brain')]), (to_ants, outputnode, [('out', 'out_warp')]), ]) return workflow
[docs]def init_prepare_epi_wf(omp_nthreads, name="prepare_epi_wf"): """ This workflow takes in a set of EPI files with with the same phase encoding direction and returns a single 3D volume ready to be used in field distortion estimation. The procedure involves: estimating a robust template using FreeSurfer's 'mri_robust_template', bias field correction using ANTs N4BiasFieldCorrection and AFNI 3dUnifize, skullstripping using FSL BET and AFNI 3dAutomask, and rigid coregistration to the reference using ANTs. .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.pepolar import init_prepare_epi_wf wf = init_prepare_epi_wf(omp_nthreads=8) Inputs fmaps list of 3D or 4D NIfTI images ref_brain coregistration reference (skullstripped and bias field corrected) Outputs out_file single 3D NIfTI file """ inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['fmaps', 'ref_brain']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_file']), name='outputnode') split = pe.MapNode(fsl.Split(dimension='t'), iterfield='in_file', name='split') merge = pe.Node( StructuralReference(auto_detect_sensitivity=True, initial_timepoint=1, fixed_timepoint=True, # Align to first image intensity_scaling=True, # 7-DOF (rigid + intensity) no_iteration=True, subsample_threshold=200, out_file='template.nii.gz'), name='merge') enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf = init_enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf( omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) ants_settings = pkgr.resource_filename('fmriprep', 'data/translation_rigid.json') fmap2ref_reg = pe.Node(ants.Registration(from_file=ants_settings, output_warped_image=True), name='fmap2ref_reg', n_procs=omp_nthreads) workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) def _flatten(l): from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import filename_to_list return [item for sublist in l for item in filename_to_list(sublist)] workflow.connect([ (inputnode, split, [('fmaps', 'in_file')]), (split, merge, [(('out_files', _flatten), 'in_files')]), (merge, enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_file')]), (enhance_and_skullstrip_bold_wf, fmap2ref_reg, [ ('outputnode.skull_stripped_file', 'moving_image')]), (inputnode, fmap2ref_reg, [('ref_brain', 'fixed_image')]), (fmap2ref_reg, outputnode, [('warped_image', 'out_file')]), ]) return workflow
def _fix_hdr(in_file, newpath=None): import nibabel as nb from niworkflows.nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix nii = nb.load(in_file) hdr = nii.header.copy() hdr.set_data_dtype('<f4') hdr.set_intent('vector', (), '') out_file = fname_presuffix(in_file, "_warpfield", newpath=newpath) nb.Nifti1Image(nii.get_data().astype('<f4'), nii.affine, hdr).to_filename( out_file) return out_file