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Handling surfaces

import os
import re

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb

from niworkflows.nipype.interfaces.base import (
    BaseInterfaceInputSpec, TraitedSpec, File, traits, isdefined,

class NormalizeSurfInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_file = File(mandatory=True, exists=True, desc='Freesurfer-generated GIFTI file')
    transform_file = File(exists=True, desc='FSL or LTA affine transform file')

class NormalizeSurfOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(desc='output file with re-centered GIFTI coordinates')

[docs]class NormalizeSurf(SimpleInterface): """ Normalizes a FreeSurfer-generated GIFTI image FreeSurfer includes an offset to the center of the brain volume that is not respected by all software packages. Normalization involves adding this offset to the coordinates of all vertices, and zeroing out that offset, to ensure consistent behavior across software packages. In particular, this normalization is consistent with the Human Connectome Project pipeline (see `AlgorithmSurfaceApplyAffine`_ and `FreeSurfer2CaretConvertAndRegisterNonlinear`_), although the the HCP may not zero out the offset. GIFTI files with ``midthickness``/``graymid`` in the name are also updated to include the following metadata entries:: { AnatomicalStructureSecondary: MidThickness, GeometricType: Anatomical } This interface is intended to be applied uniformly to GIFTI surface files generated from the ``?h.white``/``?h.smoothwm`` and ``?h.pial`` surfaces, as well as externally-generated ``?h.midthickness``/``?h.graymid`` files. In principle, this should apply safely to any other surface, although it is less relevant to surfaces that don't describe an anatomical structure. .. _AlgorithmSurfaceApplyAffine:\ /blob/1b79e56/src/Algorithms/AlgorithmSurfaceApplyAffine.cxx#L73-L91 .. _FreeSurfer2CaretConvertAndRegisterNonlinear:\ Pipelines/blob/ae69b9a/PostFreeSurfer/scripts/\ #L147-154 """ input_spec = NormalizeSurfInputSpec output_spec = NormalizeSurfOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): transform_file = self.inputs.transform_file if not isdefined(transform_file): transform_file = None self._results['out_file'] = normalize_surfs(self.inputs.in_file, transform_file) return runtime
class GiftiNameSourceInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(mandatory=True, exists=True, desc='input GIFTI file') pattern = traits.Str(mandatory=True, desc='input file name pattern (must capture named group "LR")') template = traits.Str(mandatory=True, desc='output file name template') class GiftiNameSourceOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_name = traits.Str(desc='(partial) filename formatted according to template') class GiftiNameSource(SimpleInterface): """Construct a new filename based on an input filename, a matching pattern, and a related template. This interface is intended for use with GIFTI files, to generate names conforming to Section 9.0 of the `GIFTI Standard`_. Patterns are expected to have named groups, including one named "LR" that matches "l" or "r". These groups must correspond to named format elements in the template. .. testsetup:: >>> open('lh.pial.gii', 'w').close() >>> open('rh.fsaverage.gii', 'w').close() .. doctest:: >>> from fmriprep.interfaces import GiftiNameSource >>> surf_namer = GiftiNameSource() >>> surf_namer.inputs.pattern = r'(?P<LR>[lr])h.(?P<surf>\w+).gii' >>> surf_namer.inputs.template = r'{surf}.{LR}.surf' >>> surf_namer.inputs.in_file = 'lh.pial.gii' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_name '' >>> func_namer = GiftiNameSource() >>> func_namer.inputs.pattern = r'(?P<LR>[lr])h.(?P<space>\w+).gii' >>> func_namer.inputs.template = r'space-{space}.{LR}.func' >>> func_namer.inputs.in_file = 'rh.fsaverage.gii' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_name 'space-fsaverage.R.func' .. testcleanup:: >>> import os >>> os.unlink('lh.pial.gii') >>> os.unlink('rh.fsaverage.gii') .. _GIFTI Standard: """ input_spec = GiftiNameSourceInputSpec output_spec = GiftiNameSourceOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): in_format = re.compile(self.inputs.pattern) in_file = os.path.basename(self.inputs.in_file) info = in_format.match(in_file).groupdict() info['LR'] = info['LR'].upper() filefmt = self.inputs.template self._results['out_name'] = filefmt.format(**info) return runtime class GiftiSetAnatomicalStructureInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(mandatory=True, exists=True, desc='GIFTI file beginning with "lh." or "rh."') class GiftiSetAnatomicalStructureOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(desc='output file with updated AnatomicalStructurePrimary entry') class GiftiSetAnatomicalStructure(SimpleInterface): """Set AnatomicalStructurePrimary attribute of GIFTI image based on filename. For files that begin with ``lh.`` or ``rh.``, update the metadata to include:: { AnatomicalStructurePrimary: (CortexLeft | CortexRight), } If ``AnatomicalStructurePrimary`` is already set, this function has no effect. """ input_spec = GiftiSetAnatomicalStructureInputSpec output_spec = GiftiSetAnatomicalStructureOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file) if any( == 'AnatomicalStruturePrimary' for nvpair in out_file = self.inputs.in_file else: fname = os.path.basename(self.inputs.in_file) if fname[:3] in ('lh.', 'rh.'): asp = 'CortexLeft' if fname[0] == 'l' else 'CortexRight' else: raise ValueError( "AnatomicalStructurePrimary cannot be derived from filename"), nb.gifti.GiftiNVPairs('AnatomicalStructurePrimary', asp)) out_file = os.path.abspath(fname) img.to_filename(out_file) self._results['out_file'] = out_file return runtime def normalize_surfs(in_file, transform_file): """ Re-center GIFTI coordinates to fit align to native T1 space For midthickness surfaces, add MidThickness metadata Coordinate update based on: and """ img = nb.load(in_file) transform = load_transform(transform_file) pointset = img.get_arrays_from_intent('NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET')[0] coords = c_ras_keys = ('VolGeomC_R', 'VolGeomC_A', 'VolGeomC_S') ras = np.array([[float(pointset.metadata[key])] for key in c_ras_keys]) ones = np.ones((1, coords.shape[1]), dtype=coords.dtype) # Apply C_RAS translation to coordinates, then transform = + ras, ones)))[:3].T.astype(coords.dtype) secondary = nb.gifti.GiftiNVPairs('AnatomicalStructureSecondary', 'MidThickness') geom_type = nb.gifti.GiftiNVPairs('GeometricType', 'Anatomical') has_ass = has_geo = False for nvpair in # Remove C_RAS translation from metadata to avoid double-dipping in FreeSurfer if in c_ras_keys: nvpair.value = '0.000000' # Check for missing metadata elif == has_ass = True elif == has_geo = True fname = os.path.basename(in_file) # Update metadata for MidThickness/graymid surfaces if 'midthickness' in fname.lower() or 'graymid' in fname.lower(): if not has_ass:, secondary) if not has_geo:, geom_type) img.to_filename(fname) return os.path.abspath(fname) def load_transform(fname): """Load affine transform from file Parameters ---------- fname : str or None Filename of an LTA or FSL-style MAT transform file. If ``None``, return an identity transform Returns ------- affine : (4, 4) numpy.ndarray """ if fname is None: return np.eye(4) if fname.endswith('.mat'): return np.loadtxt(fname) elif fname.endswith('.lta'): with open(fname, 'rb') as fobj: for line in fobj: if line.startswith(b'1 4 4'): break lines = fobj.readlines()[:4] return np.genfromtxt(lines) raise ValueError("Unknown transform type; pass FSL (.mat) or LTA (.lta)")