Source code for fmriprep.workflows.fieldmap.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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.. _sdc_base :

Automatic selection of the appropriate SDC method

If the dataset metadata indicate tha more than one field map acquisition is
``IntendedFor`` (see BIDS Specification section 8.9) the following priority will
be used:

  1. :ref:`sdc_pepolar` (or **blip-up/blip-down**)

  2. :ref:`sdc_direct_b0`

  3. :ref:`sdc_phasediff`

  4. :ref:`sdc_fieldmapless`

Table of behavior (fieldmap use-cases):

=============== =========== ============= ===============
Fieldmaps found ``use_syn`` ``force_syn``     Action
=============== =========== ============= ===============
True            *           True          Fieldmaps + SyN
True            *           False         Fieldmaps
False           *           True          SyN
False           True        False         SyN
False           False       False         HMC only
=============== =========== ============= ===============


[docs]def init_fmap_estimator_wf(fmap_bids, reportlets_dir, omp_nthreads, fmap_bspline): """ This workflow selects the fieldmap estimation data available for the subject and returns the estimated fieldmap in mm. Outputs: fmap The estimated fieldmap itself IN UNITS OF Hz. fmap_ref the anatomical reference for the fieldmap (magnitude image, corrected SEm, etc.) fmap_mask a brain mask for the fieldmap """ # pybids type options: (phase1|phase2|phasediff|epi|fieldmap) # if fmap_bids['type'] == 'fieldmap': from .fmap import init_fmap_wf fmap_wf = init_fmap_wf(reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, fmap_bspline=fmap_bspline) # set inputs fmap_wf.inputs.inputnode.fieldmap = fmap_bids['fieldmap'] fmap_wf.inputs.inputnode.magnitude = fmap_bids['magnitude'] return fmap_wf if fmap_bids['type'] == 'phasediff': from .phdiff import init_phdiff_wf phdiff_wf = init_phdiff_wf(reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) # set inputs phdiff_wf.inputs.inputnode.phasediff = fmap_bids['phasediff'] phdiff_wf.inputs.inputnode.magnitude = [ fmap_ for key, fmap_ in sorted(fmap_bids.items()) if key.startswith("magnitude") ] return phdiff_wf if fmap_bids['type'] in ['phase1', 'phase2']:
raise NotImplementedError