Source code for fmriprep.workflows.bold.registration

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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Registration workflows

.. autofunction:: init_bold_reg_wf
.. autofunction:: init_bbreg_wf
.. autofunction:: init_fsl_bbr_wf


import os
import os.path as op

from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu, fsl, c3, freesurfer as fs
from niworkflows.interfaces.registration import FLIRTRPT, BBRegisterRPT, MRICoregRPT
from niworkflows.interfaces.utils import GenerateSamplingReference
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms

from ...engine import Workflow
from ...interfaces import MultiApplyTransforms, DerivativesDataSink

from ...interfaces.nilearn import Merge
from ...interfaces.images import extract_wm
# See
from ...interfaces.freesurfer import PatchedConcatenateLTA as ConcatenateLTA


[docs]def init_bold_reg_wf(freesurfer, use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof, mem_gb, omp_nthreads, name='bold_reg_wf', use_compression=True, use_fieldwarp=False, write_report=True): """ This workflow registers the reference BOLD image to T1-space, using a boundary-based registration (BBR) cost function. If FreeSurfer-based preprocessing is enabled, the ``bbregister`` utility is used to align the BOLD images to the reconstructed subject, and the resulting transform is adjusted to target the T1 space. If FreeSurfer-based preprocessing is disabled, FSL FLIRT is used with the BBR cost function to directly target the T1 space. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.registration import init_bold_reg_wf wf = init_bold_reg_wf(freesurfer=True, mem_gb=3, omp_nthreads=1, use_bbr=True, bold2t1w_dof=9) **Parameters** freesurfer : bool Enable FreeSurfer functional registration (bbregister) use_bbr : bool or None Enable/disable boundary-based registration refinement. If ``None``, test BBR result for distortion before accepting. bold2t1w_dof : 6, 9 or 12 Degrees-of-freedom for BOLD-T1w registration mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use name : str Name of workflow (default: ``bold_reg_wf``) use_compression : bool Save registered BOLD series as ``.nii.gz`` use_fieldwarp : bool Include SDC warp in single-shot transform from BOLD to T1 write_report : bool Whether a reportlet should be stored **Inputs** name_source BOLD series NIfTI file Used to recover original information lost during processing ref_bold_brain Reference image to which BOLD series is aligned If ``fieldwarp == True``, ``ref_bold_brain`` should be unwarped ref_bold_mask Skull-stripping mask of reference image t1_preproc Bias-corrected structural template image t1_brain Skull-stripped ``t1_preproc`` t1_mask Mask of the skull-stripped template image t1_seg Segmentation of preprocessed structural image, including gray-matter (GM), white-matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) t1_aseg FreeSurfer's ``aseg.mgz`` atlas projected into the T1w reference (only if ``recon-all`` was run). t1_aparc FreeSurfer's ``aparc+aseg.mgz`` atlas projected into the T1w reference (only if ``recon-all`` was run). bold_split Individual 3D BOLD volumes, not motion corrected hmc_xforms List of affine transforms aligning each volume to ``ref_image`` in ITK format subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform LTA-style affine matrix translating from FreeSurfer-conformed subject space to T1w fieldwarp a :abbr:`DFM (displacements field map)` in ITK format **Outputs** itk_bold_to_t1 Affine transform from ``ref_bold_brain`` to T1 space (ITK format) itk_t1_to_bold Affine transform from T1 space to BOLD space (ITK format) bold_t1 Motion-corrected BOLD series in T1 space bold_mask_t1 BOLD mask in T1 space bold_aseg_t1 FreeSurfer's ``aseg.mgz`` atlas, in T1w-space at the BOLD resolution (only if ``recon-all`` was run). bold_aparc_t1 FreeSurfer's ``aparc+aseg.mgz`` atlas, in T1w-space at the BOLD resolution (only if ``recon-all`` was run). fallback Boolean indicating whether BBR was rejected (mri_coreg registration returned) **Subworkflows** * :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_bbreg_wf` * :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_fsl_bbr_wf` """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['name_source', 'ref_bold_brain', 'ref_bold_mask', 't1_preproc', 't1_brain', 't1_mask', 't1_seg', 't1_aseg', 't1_aparc', 'bold_split', 'hmc_xforms', 'subjects_dir', 'subject_id', 't1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform', 'fieldwarp']), name='inputnode' ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'itk_bold_to_t1', 'itk_t1_to_bold', 'fallback', 'bold_t1', 'bold_mask_t1', 'bold_aseg_t1', 'bold_aparc_t1']), name='outputnode' ) if freesurfer: bbr_wf = init_bbreg_wf(use_bbr=use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof=bold2t1w_dof, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) else: bbr_wf = init_fsl_bbr_wf(use_bbr=use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof=bold2t1w_dof) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bbr_wf, [ ('ref_bold_brain', 'inputnode.in_file'), ('t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform', 'inputnode.t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform'), ('subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('t1_seg', 'inputnode.t1_seg'), ('t1_brain', 'inputnode.t1_brain')]), (bbr_wf, outputnode, [('outputnode.itk_bold_to_t1', 'itk_bold_to_t1'), ('outputnode.itk_t1_to_bold', 'itk_t1_to_bold'), ('outputnode.fallback', 'fallback')]), ]) gen_ref = pe.Node(GenerateSamplingReference(), name='gen_ref', mem_gb=0.3) # 256x256x256 * 64 / 8 ~ 150MB mask_t1w_tfm = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(interpolation='MultiLabel', float=True), name='mask_t1w_tfm', mem_gb=0.1 ) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, gen_ref, [('ref_bold_brain', 'moving_image'), ('t1_brain', 'fixed_image'), ('t1_mask', 'fov_mask')]), (inputnode, mask_t1w_tfm, [('ref_bold_mask', 'input_image')]), (gen_ref, mask_t1w_tfm, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]), (bbr_wf, mask_t1w_tfm, [('outputnode.itk_bold_to_t1', 'transforms')]), (mask_t1w_tfm, outputnode, [('output_image', 'bold_mask_t1')]), ]) if freesurfer: # Resample aseg and aparc in T1w space (no transforms needed) aseg_t1w_tfm = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(interpolation='MultiLabel', transforms='identity', float=True), name='aseg_t1w_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) aparc_t1w_tfm = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(interpolation='MultiLabel', transforms='identity', float=True), name='aparc_t1w_tfm', mem_gb=0.1) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, aseg_t1w_tfm, [('t1_aseg', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, aparc_t1w_tfm, [('t1_aparc', 'input_image')]), (gen_ref, aseg_t1w_tfm, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]), (gen_ref, aparc_t1w_tfm, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]), (aseg_t1w_tfm, outputnode, [('output_image', 'bold_aseg_t1')]), (aparc_t1w_tfm, outputnode, [('output_image', 'bold_aparc_t1')]), ]) # Merge transforms placing the head motion correction last nforms = 2 + int(use_fieldwarp) merge_xforms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(nforms), name='merge_xforms', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, merge_xforms, [('hmc_xforms', 'in%d' % nforms)]) ]) if use_fieldwarp: workflow.connect([ (inputnode, merge_xforms, [('fieldwarp', 'in2')]) ]) bold_to_t1w_transform = pe.Node( MultiApplyTransforms(interpolation="LanczosWindowedSinc", float=True, copy_dtype=True), name='bold_to_t1w_transform', mem_gb=mem_gb * 3 * omp_nthreads, n_procs=omp_nthreads) merge = pe.Node(Merge(compress=use_compression), name='merge', mem_gb=mem_gb) workflow.connect([ (bbr_wf, merge_xforms, [('outputnode.itk_bold_to_t1', 'in1')]), (merge_xforms, bold_to_t1w_transform, [('out', 'transforms')]), (inputnode, merge, [('name_source', 'header_source')]), (merge, outputnode, [('out_file', 'bold_t1')]), (inputnode, bold_to_t1w_transform, [('bold_split', 'input_image')]), (gen_ref, bold_to_t1w_transform, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]), (bold_to_t1w_transform, merge, [('out_files', 'in_files')]), ]) if write_report: ds_report_reg = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(), name='ds_report_reg', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) def _bold_reg_suffix(fallback, freesurfer): if fallback: return 'coreg' if freesurfer else 'flirt' return 'bbr' if freesurfer else 'flt_bbr' workflow.connect([ (bbr_wf, ds_report_reg, [ ('outputnode.out_report', 'in_file'), (('outputnode.fallback', _bold_reg_suffix, freesurfer), 'suffix')]), ]) return workflow
[docs]def init_bbreg_wf(use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof, omp_nthreads, name='bbreg_wf'): """ This workflow uses FreeSurfer's ``bbregister`` to register a BOLD image to a T1-weighted structural image. It is a counterpart to :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_fsl_bbr_wf`, which performs the same task using FSL's FLIRT with a BBR cost function. The ``use_bbr`` option permits a high degree of control over registration. If ``False``, standard, affine coregistration will be performed using FreeSurfer's ``mri_coreg`` tool. If ``True``, ``bbregister`` will be seeded with the initial transform found by ``mri_coreg`` (equivalent to running ``bbregister --init-coreg``). If ``None``, after ``bbregister`` is run, the resulting affine transform will be compared to the initial transform found by ``mri_coreg``. Excessive deviation will result in rejecting the BBR refinement and accepting the original, affine registration. .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.registration import init_bbreg_wf wf = init_bbreg_wf(use_bbr=True, bold2t1w_dof=9, omp_nthreads=1) Parameters use_bbr : bool or None Enable/disable boundary-based registration refinement. If ``None``, test BBR result for distortion before accepting. bold2t1w_dof : 6, 9 or 12 Degrees-of-freedom for BOLD-T1w registration name : str, optional Workflow name (default: bbreg_wf) Inputs in_file Reference BOLD image to be registered t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform FSL-style affine matrix translating from FreeSurfer T1.mgz to T1w subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID (must have folder in SUBJECTS_DIR) t1_brain Unused (see :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_fsl_bbr_wf`) t1_seg Unused (see :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_fsl_bbr_wf`) Outputs itk_bold_to_t1 Affine transform from ``ref_bold_brain`` to T1 space (ITK format) itk_t1_to_bold Affine transform from T1 space to BOLD space (ITK format) out_report Reportlet for assessing registration quality fallback Boolean indicating whether BBR was rejected (mri_coreg registration returned) """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) workflow.__desc__ = """\ The BOLD reference was then co-registered to the T1w reference using `bbregister` (FreeSurfer) which implements boundary-based registration [@bbr]. Co-registration was configured with nine degrees of freedom to account for distortions remaining in the BOLD reference. """ inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface([ 'in_file', 't1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform', 'subjects_dir', 'subject_id', # BBRegister 't1_seg', 't1_brain']), # FLIRT BBR name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(['itk_bold_to_t1', 'itk_t1_to_bold', 'out_report', 'fallback']), name='outputnode') mri_coreg = pe.Node( MRICoregRPT(dof=bold2t1w_dof, sep=[4], ftol=0.0001, linmintol=0.01, generate_report=not use_bbr), name='mri_coreg', n_procs=omp_nthreads, mem_gb=5) lta_concat = pe.Node(ConcatenateLTA(out_file='out.lta'), name='lta_concat') # XXX LTA-FSL-ITK may ultimately be able to be replaced with a straightforward # LTA-ITK transform, but right now the translation parameters are off. lta2fsl_fwd = pe.Node(fs.utils.LTAConvert(out_fsl=True), name='lta2fsl_fwd') lta2fsl_inv = pe.Node(fs.utils.LTAConvert(out_fsl=True, invert=True), name='lta2fsl_inv') fsl2itk_fwd = pe.Node(c3.C3dAffineTool(fsl2ras=True, itk_transform=True), name='fsl2itk_fwd', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) fsl2itk_inv = pe.Node(c3.C3dAffineTool(fsl2ras=True, itk_transform=True), name='fsl2itk_inv', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, mri_coreg, [('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('in_file', 'source_file')]), # Output ITK transforms (inputnode, lta_concat, [('t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform', 'in_lta2')]), (lta_concat, lta2fsl_fwd, [('out_file', 'in_lta')]), (lta_concat, lta2fsl_inv, [('out_file', 'in_lta')]), (inputnode, fsl2itk_fwd, [('t1_brain', 'reference_file'), ('in_file', 'source_file')]), (inputnode, fsl2itk_inv, [('in_file', 'reference_file'), ('t1_brain', 'source_file')]), (lta2fsl_fwd, fsl2itk_fwd, [('out_fsl', 'transform_file')]), (lta2fsl_inv, fsl2itk_inv, [('out_fsl', 'transform_file')]), (fsl2itk_fwd, outputnode, [('itk_transform', 'itk_bold_to_t1')]), (fsl2itk_inv, outputnode, [('itk_transform', 'itk_t1_to_bold')]), ]) # Short-circuit workflow building, use initial registration if use_bbr is False: workflow.connect([ (mri_coreg, outputnode, [('out_report', 'out_report')]), (mri_coreg, lta_concat, [('out_lta_file', 'in_lta1')])]) outputnode.inputs.fallback = True return workflow bbregister = pe.Node( BBRegisterRPT(dof=bold2t1w_dof, contrast_type='t2', registered_file=True, out_lta_file=True, generate_report=True), name='bbregister', mem_gb=12) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bbregister, [('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('in_file', 'source_file')]), (mri_coreg, bbregister, [('out_lta_file', 'init_reg_file')]), ]) # Short-circuit workflow building, use boundary-based registration if use_bbr is True: workflow.connect([ (bbregister, outputnode, [('out_report', 'out_report')]), (bbregister, lta_concat, [('out_lta_file', 'in_lta1')])]) outputnode.inputs.fallback = False return workflow transforms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), run_without_submitting=True, name='transforms') reports = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), run_without_submitting=True, name='reports') lta_ras2ras = pe.MapNode(fs.utils.LTAConvert(out_lta=True), iterfield=['in_lta'], name='lta_ras2ras', mem_gb=2) compare_transforms = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=compare_xforms), name='compare_transforms') select_transform = pe.Node(niu.Select(), run_without_submitting=True, name='select_transform') select_report = pe.Node(niu.Select(), run_without_submitting=True, name='select_report') workflow.connect([ (bbregister, transforms, [('out_lta_file', 'in1')]), (mri_coreg, transforms, [('out_lta_file', 'in2')]), # Normalize LTA transforms to RAS2RAS (inputs are VOX2VOX) and compare (transforms, lta_ras2ras, [('out', 'in_lta')]), (lta_ras2ras, compare_transforms, [('out_lta', 'lta_list')]), (compare_transforms, outputnode, [('out', 'fallback')]), # Select output transform (transforms, select_transform, [('out', 'inlist')]), (compare_transforms, select_transform, [('out', 'index')]), (select_transform, lta_concat, [('out', 'in_lta1')]), # Select output report (bbregister, reports, [('out_report', 'in1')]), (mri_coreg, reports, [('out_report', 'in2')]), (reports, select_report, [('out', 'inlist')]), (compare_transforms, select_report, [('out', 'index')]), (select_report, outputnode, [('out', 'out_report')]), ]) return workflow
[docs]def init_fsl_bbr_wf(use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof, name='fsl_bbr_wf'): """ This workflow uses FSL FLIRT to register a BOLD image to a T1-weighted structural image, using a boundary-based registration (BBR) cost function. It is a counterpart to :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.bold.registration.init_bbreg_wf`, which performs the same task using FreeSurfer's ``bbregister``. The ``use_bbr`` option permits a high degree of control over registration. If ``False``, standard, rigid coregistration will be performed by FLIRT. If ``True``, FLIRT-BBR will be seeded with the initial transform found by the rigid coregistration. If ``None``, after FLIRT-BBR is run, the resulting affine transform will be compared to the initial transform found by FLIRT. Excessive deviation will result in rejecting the BBR refinement and accepting the original, affine registration. .. workflow :: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.registration import init_fsl_bbr_wf wf = init_fsl_bbr_wf(use_bbr=True, bold2t1w_dof=9) Parameters use_bbr : bool or None Enable/disable boundary-based registration refinement. If ``None``, test BBR result for distortion before accepting. bold2t1w_dof : 6, 9 or 12 Degrees-of-freedom for BOLD-T1w registration name : str, optional Workflow name (default: fsl_bbr_wf) Inputs in_file Reference BOLD image to be registered t1_brain Skull-stripped T1-weighted structural image t1_seg FAST segmentation of ``t1_brain`` t1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform Unused (see :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_bbreg_wf`) subjects_dir Unused (see :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_bbreg_wf`) subject_id Unused (see :py:func:`~fmriprep.workflows.util.init_bbreg_wf`) Outputs itk_bold_to_t1 Affine transform from ``ref_bold_brain`` to T1 space (ITK format) itk_t1_to_bold Affine transform from T1 space to BOLD space (ITK format) out_report Reportlet for assessing registration quality fallback Boolean indicating whether BBR was rejected (rigid FLIRT registration returned) """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) workflow.__desc__ = """\ The BOLD reference was then co-registered to the T1w reference using `flirt` [FSL {fsl_ver}, @flirt] with the boundary-based registration [@bbr] cost-function. Co-registration was configured with nine degrees of freedom to account for distortions remaining in the BOLD reference. """.format(fsl_ver=FLIRTRPT().version or '<ver>') inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface([ 'in_file', 't1_2_fsnative_reverse_transform', 'subjects_dir', 'subject_id', # BBRegister 't1_seg', 't1_brain']), # FLIRT BBR name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(['itk_bold_to_t1', 'itk_t1_to_bold', 'out_report', 'fallback']), name='outputnode') wm_mask = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=extract_wm), name='wm_mask') flt_bbr_init = pe.Node(FLIRTRPT(dof=6, generate_report=not use_bbr, uses_qform=True), name='flt_bbr_init') invt_bbr = pe.Node(fsl.ConvertXFM(invert_xfm=True), name='invt_bbr', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) # BOLD to T1 transform matrix is from fsl, using c3 tools to convert to # something ANTs will like. fsl2itk_fwd = pe.Node(c3.C3dAffineTool(fsl2ras=True, itk_transform=True), name='fsl2itk_fwd', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) fsl2itk_inv = pe.Node(c3.C3dAffineTool(fsl2ras=True, itk_transform=True), name='fsl2itk_inv', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, flt_bbr_init, [('in_file', 'in_file'), ('t1_brain', 'reference')]), (inputnode, fsl2itk_fwd, [('t1_brain', 'reference_file'), ('in_file', 'source_file')]), (inputnode, fsl2itk_inv, [('in_file', 'reference_file'), ('t1_brain', 'source_file')]), (invt_bbr, fsl2itk_inv, [('out_file', 'transform_file')]), (fsl2itk_fwd, outputnode, [('itk_transform', 'itk_bold_to_t1')]), (fsl2itk_inv, outputnode, [('itk_transform', 'itk_t1_to_bold')]), ]) # Short-circuit workflow building, use rigid registration if use_bbr is False: workflow.connect([ (flt_bbr_init, invt_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_file')]), (flt_bbr_init, fsl2itk_fwd, [('out_matrix_file', 'transform_file')]), (flt_bbr_init, outputnode, [('out_report', 'out_report')]), ]) outputnode.inputs.fallback = True return workflow flt_bbr = pe.Node( FLIRTRPT(cost_func='bbr', dof=bold2t1w_dof, generate_report=True, schedule=op.join(os.getenv('FSLDIR'), 'etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch')), name='flt_bbr') workflow.connect([ (inputnode, wm_mask, [('t1_seg', 'in_seg')]), (inputnode, flt_bbr, [('in_file', 'in_file'), ('t1_brain', 'reference')]), (flt_bbr_init, flt_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')]), (wm_mask, flt_bbr, [('out', 'wm_seg')]), ]) # Short-circuit workflow building, use boundary-based registration if use_bbr is True: workflow.connect([ (flt_bbr, invt_bbr, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_file')]), (flt_bbr, fsl2itk_fwd, [('out_matrix_file', 'transform_file')]), (flt_bbr, outputnode, [('out_report', 'out_report')]), ]) outputnode.inputs.fallback = False return workflow transforms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), run_without_submitting=True, name='transforms') reports = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), run_without_submitting=True, name='reports') compare_transforms = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=compare_xforms), name='compare_transforms') select_transform = pe.Node(niu.Select(), run_without_submitting=True, name='select_transform') select_report = pe.Node(niu.Select(), run_without_submitting=True, name='select_report') fsl_to_lta = pe.MapNode(fs.utils.LTAConvert(out_lta=True), iterfield=['in_fsl'], name='fsl_to_lta') workflow.connect([ (flt_bbr, transforms, [('out_matrix_file', 'in1')]), (flt_bbr_init, transforms, [('out_matrix_file', 'in2')]), # Convert FSL transforms to LTA (RAS2RAS) transforms and compare (inputnode, fsl_to_lta, [('in_file', 'source_file'), ('t1_brain', 'target_file')]), (transforms, fsl_to_lta, [('out', 'in_fsl')]), (fsl_to_lta, compare_transforms, [('out_lta', 'lta_list')]), (compare_transforms, outputnode, [('out', 'fallback')]), # Select output transform (transforms, select_transform, [('out', 'inlist')]), (compare_transforms, select_transform, [('out', 'index')]), (select_transform, invt_bbr, [('out', 'in_file')]), (select_transform, fsl2itk_fwd, [('out', 'transform_file')]), (flt_bbr, reports, [('out_report', 'in1')]), (flt_bbr_init, reports, [('out_report', 'in2')]), (reports, select_report, [('out', 'inlist')]), (compare_transforms, select_report, [('out', 'index')]), (select_report, outputnode, [('out', 'out_report')]), ]) return workflow
def compare_xforms(lta_list, norm_threshold=15): """ Computes a normalized displacement between two affine transforms as the maximum overall displacement of the midpoints of the faces of a cube, when each transform is applied to the cube. This combines displacement resulting from scaling, translation and rotation. Although the norm is in mm, in a scaling context, it is not necessarily equivalent to that distance in translation. We choose a default threshold of 15mm as a rough heuristic. Normalized displacement above 20mm showed clear signs of distortion, while "good" BBR refinements were frequently below 10mm displaced from the rigid transform. The 10-20mm range was more ambiguous, and 15mm chosen as a compromise. This is open to revisiting in either direction. See discussion in `GitHub issue #681`_ <>`_ and the `underlying implementation <>`_. Parameters ---------- lta_list : list or tuple of str the two given affines in LTA format norm_threshold : float (default: 15) the upper bound limit to the normalized displacement caused by the second transform relative to the first """ from import load_transform from nipype.algorithms.rapidart import _calc_norm_affine bbr_affine = load_transform(lta_list[0]) fallback_affine = load_transform(lta_list[1]) norm, _ = _calc_norm_affine([fallback_affine, bbr_affine], use_differences=True) return norm[1] > norm_threshold