Source code for fmriprep.workflows.bold.resampling

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Resampling workflows

.. autofunction:: init_bold_surf_wf
.. autofunction:: init_bold_mni_trans_wf
.. autofunction:: init_bold_preproc_trans_wf

import os.path as op

from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu, freesurfer as fs
from nipype.interfaces.fsl import Split as FSLSplit

from niworkflows import data as nid
from niworkflows.interfaces.utils import GenerateSamplingReference
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms

from ...engine import Workflow
from ...interfaces import GiftiSetAnatomicalStructure, MultiApplyTransforms
from ...interfaces.nilearn import Merge
from ...interfaces.freesurfer import (
    # See
    PatchedConcatenateLTA as ConcatenateLTA

from .util import init_bold_reference_wf


[docs]def init_bold_surf_wf(mem_gb, output_spaces, medial_surface_nan, name='bold_surf_wf'): """ This workflow samples functional images to FreeSurfer surfaces For each vertex, the cortical ribbon is sampled at six points (spaced 20% of thickness apart) and averaged. Outputs are in GIFTI format. .. workflow:: :graph2use: colored :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold import init_bold_surf_wf wf = init_bold_surf_wf(mem_gb=0.1, output_spaces=['T1w', 'fsnative', 'template', 'fsaverage5'], medial_surface_nan=False) **Parameters** output_spaces : list List of output spaces functional images are to be resampled to Target spaces beginning with ``fs`` will be selected for resampling, such as ``fsaverage`` or related template spaces If the list contains ``fsnative``, images will be resampled to the individual subject's native surface medial_surface_nan : bool Replace medial wall values with NaNs on functional GIFTI files **Inputs** source_file Motion-corrected BOLD series in T1 space t1_preproc Bias-corrected structural template image subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID t1_2_fsnative_forward_transform LTA-style affine matrix translating from T1w to FreeSurfer-conformed subject space **Outputs** surfaces BOLD series, resampled to FreeSurfer surfaces """ spaces = [space for space in output_spaces if space.startswith('fs')] workflow = Workflow(name=name) if spaces: workflow.__desc__ = """\ The BOLD time-series, were resampled to surfaces on the following spaces: {out_spaces}. """.format(out_spaces=', '.join(['*%s*' % s for s in spaces])) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_file', 't1_preproc', 'subject_id', 'subjects_dir', 't1_2_fsnative_forward_transform']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['surfaces']), name='outputnode') def select_target(subject_id, space): """ Given a source subject ID and a target space, get the target subject ID """ return subject_id if space == 'fsnative' else space targets = pe.MapNode(niu.Function(function=select_target), iterfield=['space'], name='targets', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) = spaces # Rename the source file to the output space to simplify naming later rename_src = pe.MapNode(niu.Rename(format_string='%(subject)s', keep_ext=True), iterfield='subject', name='rename_src', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) rename_src.inputs.subject = spaces resampling_xfm = pe.Node(fs.utils.LTAConvert(in_lta='identity.nofile', out_lta=True), name='resampling_xfm') set_xfm_source = pe.Node(ConcatenateLTA(out_type='RAS2RAS'), name='set_xfm_source') sampler = pe.MapNode( fs.SampleToSurface(sampling_method='average', sampling_range=(0, 1, 0.2), sampling_units='frac', interp_method='trilinear', cortex_mask=True, override_reg_subj=True, out_type='gii'), iterfield=['source_file', 'target_subject'], iterables=('hemi', ['lh', 'rh']), name='sampler', mem_gb=mem_gb * 3) medial_nans = pe.MapNode(MedialNaNs(), iterfield=['in_file', 'target_subject'], name='medial_nans', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) merger = pe.JoinNode(niu.Merge(1, ravel_inputs=True), name='merger', joinsource='sampler', joinfield=['in1'], run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) update_metadata = pe.MapNode(GiftiSetAnatomicalStructure(), iterfield='in_file', name='update_metadata', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, targets, [('subject_id', 'subject_id')]), (inputnode, rename_src, [('source_file', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, resampling_xfm, [('source_file', 'source_file'), ('t1_preproc', 'target_file')]), (inputnode, set_xfm_source, [('t1_2_fsnative_forward_transform', 'in_lta2')]), (resampling_xfm, set_xfm_source, [('out_lta', 'in_lta1')]), (inputnode, sampler, [('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'subject_id')]), (set_xfm_source, sampler, [('out_file', 'reg_file')]), (targets, sampler, [('out', 'target_subject')]), (rename_src, sampler, [('out_file', 'source_file')]), (merger, update_metadata, [('out', 'in_file')]), (update_metadata, outputnode, [('out_file', 'surfaces')]), ]) if medial_surface_nan: workflow.connect([ (inputnode, medial_nans, [('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir')]), (sampler, medial_nans, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (targets, medial_nans, [('out', 'target_subject')]), (medial_nans, merger, [('out_file', 'in1')]), ]) else: workflow.connect(sampler, 'out_file', merger, 'in1') return workflow
[docs]def init_bold_mni_trans_wf(template, mem_gb, omp_nthreads, name='bold_mni_trans_wf', template_out_grid='2mm', use_compression=True, use_fieldwarp=False): """ This workflow samples functional images to the MNI template in a "single shot" from the original BOLD series. .. workflow:: :graph2use: colored :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold import init_bold_mni_trans_wf wf = init_bold_mni_trans_wf(template='MNI152NLin2009cAsym', mem_gb=3, omp_nthreads=1, template_out_grid='native') **Parameters** template : str Name of template targeted by ``template`` output space mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use name : str Name of workflow (default: ``bold_mni_trans_wf``) template_out_grid : str Keyword ('native', '1mm' or '2mm') or path of custom reference image for normalization. use_compression : bool Save registered BOLD series as ``.nii.gz`` use_fieldwarp : bool Include SDC warp in single-shot transform from BOLD to MNI **Inputs** itk_bold_to_t1 Affine transform from ``ref_bold_brain`` to T1 space (ITK format) t1_2_mni_forward_transform ANTs-compatible affine-and-warp transform file bold_split Individual 3D volumes, not motion corrected bold_mask Skull-stripping mask of reference image name_source BOLD series NIfTI file Used to recover original information lost during processing hmc_xforms List of affine transforms aligning each volume to ``ref_image`` in ITK format fieldwarp a :abbr:`DFM (displacements field map)` in ITK format **Outputs** bold_mni BOLD series, resampled to template space bold_mask_mni BOLD series mask in template space """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) workflow.__desc__ = """\ The BOLD time-series were resampled to {tpl} standard space, generating a *preprocessed BOLD run in {tpl} space*. """.format(tpl=template) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'itk_bold_to_t1', 't1_2_mni_forward_transform', 'name_source', 'bold_split', 'bold_mask', 'hmc_xforms', 'fieldwarp' ]), name='inputnode' ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['bold_mni', 'bold_mask_mni']), name='outputnode') def _aslist(in_value): if isinstance(in_value, list): return in_value return [in_value] gen_ref = pe.Node(GenerateSamplingReference(), name='gen_ref', mem_gb=0.3) # 256x256x256 * 64 / 8 ~ 150MB) template_str = nid.TEMPLATE_MAP[template] gen_ref.inputs.fixed_image = op.join(nid.get_dataset(template_str), '1mm_T1.nii.gz') mask_mni_tfm = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(interpolation='MultiLabel', float=True), name='mask_mni_tfm', mem_gb=1 ) # Write corrected file in the designated output dir mask_merge_tfms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='mask_merge_tfms', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) nxforms = 4 if use_fieldwarp else 3 merge_xforms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(nxforms), name='merge_xforms', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) workflow.connect([(inputnode, merge_xforms, [('hmc_xforms', 'in%d' % nxforms)])]) if use_fieldwarp: workflow.connect([(inputnode, merge_xforms, [('fieldwarp', 'in3')])]) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, gen_ref, [(('bold_split', _first), 'moving_image')]), (inputnode, mask_mni_tfm, [('bold_mask', 'input_image')]), (inputnode, mask_merge_tfms, [('t1_2_mni_forward_transform', 'in1'), (('itk_bold_to_t1', _aslist), 'in2')]), (mask_merge_tfms, mask_mni_tfm, [('out', 'transforms')]), (mask_mni_tfm, outputnode, [('output_image', 'bold_mask_mni')]), ]) bold_to_mni_transform = pe.Node( MultiApplyTransforms(interpolation="LanczosWindowedSinc", float=True, copy_dtype=True), name='bold_to_mni_transform', mem_gb=mem_gb * 3 * omp_nthreads, n_procs=omp_nthreads) merge = pe.Node(Merge(compress=use_compression), name='merge', mem_gb=mem_gb * 3) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, merge_xforms, [('t1_2_mni_forward_transform', 'in1'), (('itk_bold_to_t1', _aslist), 'in2')]), (merge_xforms, bold_to_mni_transform, [('out', 'transforms')]), (inputnode, merge, [('name_source', 'header_source')]), (inputnode, bold_to_mni_transform, [('bold_split', 'input_image')]), (bold_to_mni_transform, merge, [('out_files', 'in_files')]), (merge, outputnode, [('out_file', 'bold_mni')]), ]) if template_out_grid == 'native': workflow.connect([ (gen_ref, mask_mni_tfm, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]), (gen_ref, bold_to_mni_transform, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]), ]) elif template_out_grid == '1mm' or template_out_grid == '2mm': mask_mni_tfm.inputs.reference_image = op.join( nid.get_dataset(template_str), '%s_brainmask.nii.gz' % template_out_grid) bold_to_mni_transform.inputs.reference_image = op.join( nid.get_dataset(template_str), '%s_T1.nii.gz' % template_out_grid) else: mask_mni_tfm.inputs.reference_image = template_out_grid bold_to_mni_transform.inputs.reference_image = template_out_grid return workflow
[docs]def init_bold_preproc_trans_wf(mem_gb, omp_nthreads, name='bold_preproc_trans_wf', use_compression=True, use_fieldwarp=False, split_file=False, interpolation='LanczosWindowedSinc'): """ This workflow resamples the input fMRI in its native (original) space in a "single shot" from the original BOLD series. .. workflow:: :graph2use: colored :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold import init_bold_preproc_trans_wf wf = init_bold_preproc_trans_wf(mem_gb=3, omp_nthreads=1) **Parameters** mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use name : str Name of workflow (default: ``bold_mni_trans_wf``) use_compression : bool Save registered BOLD series as ``.nii.gz`` use_fieldwarp : bool Include SDC warp in single-shot transform from BOLD to MNI split_file : bool Whether the input file should be splitted (it is a 4D file) or it is a list of 3D files (default ``False``, do not split) interpolation : str Interpolation type to be used by ANTs' ``applyTransforms`` (default ``'LanczosWindowedSinc'``) **Inputs** bold_file Individual 3D volumes, not motion corrected bold_mask Skull-stripping mask of reference image name_source BOLD series NIfTI file Used to recover original information lost during processing hmc_xforms List of affine transforms aligning each volume to ``ref_image`` in ITK format fieldwarp a :abbr:`DFM (displacements field map)` in ITK format **Outputs** bold BOLD series, resampled in native space, including all preprocessing bold_mask BOLD series mask calculated with the new time-series bold_ref BOLD reference image: an average-like 3D image of the time-series bold_ref_brain Same as ``bold_ref``, but once the brain mask has been applied """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) workflow.__desc__ = """\ The BOLD time-series (including slice-timing correction when applied) were resampled onto their original, native space by applying {transforms}. These resampled BOLD time-series will be referred to as *preprocessed BOLD in original space*, or just *preprocessed BOLD*. """.format(transforms="""\ a single, composite transform to correct for head-motion and susceptibility distortions""" if use_fieldwarp else """\ the transforms to correct for head-motion""") inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=[ 'name_source', 'bold_file', 'bold_mask', 'hmc_xforms', 'fieldwarp']), name='inputnode' ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['bold', 'bold_mask', 'bold_ref', 'bold_ref_brain']), name='outputnode') bold_transform = pe.Node( MultiApplyTransforms(interpolation=interpolation, float=True, copy_dtype=True), name='bold_transform', mem_gb=mem_gb * 3 * omp_nthreads, n_procs=omp_nthreads) merge = pe.Node(Merge(compress=use_compression), name='merge', mem_gb=mem_gb * 3) # Generate a new BOLD reference bold_reference_wf = init_bold_reference_wf(omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) bold_reference_wf.__desc__ = None # Unset description to avoid second appearance workflow.connect([ (inputnode, merge, [('name_source', 'header_source')]), (bold_transform, merge, [('out_files', 'in_files')]), (merge, bold_reference_wf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.bold_file')]), (merge, outputnode, [('out_file', 'bold')]), (bold_reference_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.ref_image', 'bold_ref'), ('outputnode.ref_image_brain', 'bold_ref_brain'), ('outputnode.bold_mask', 'bold_mask')]), ]) # Input file is not splitted if split_file: bold_split = pe.Node(FSLSplit(dimension='t'), name='bold_split', mem_gb=mem_gb * 3) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bold_split, [('bold_file', 'in_file')]), (bold_split, bold_transform, [ ('out_files', 'input_image'), (('out_files', _first), 'reference_image'), ]) ]) else: workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bold_transform, [('bold_file', 'input_image'), (('bold_file', _first), 'reference_image')]), ]) if use_fieldwarp: merge_xforms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='merge_xforms', run_without_submitting=True, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, merge_xforms, [('fieldwarp', 'in1'), ('hmc_xforms', 'in2')]), (merge_xforms, bold_transform, [('out', 'transforms')]), ]) else: def _aslist(val): return [val] workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bold_transform, [(('hmc_xforms', _aslist), 'transforms')]), ]) # Code ready to generate a pre/post processing report # bold_bold_report_wf = init_bold_preproc_report_wf( # mem_gb=mem_gb['resampled'], # reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir # ) # workflow.connect([ # (inputnode, bold_bold_report_wf, [ # ('bold_file', 'inputnode.name_source'), # ('bold_file', 'inputnode.in_pre')]), # This should be after STC # (bold_bold_trans_wf, bold_bold_report_wf, [ # ('outputnode.bold', 'inputnode.in_post')]), # ]) return workflow
def init_bold_preproc_report_wf(mem_gb, reportlets_dir, name='bold_preproc_report_wf'): """ This workflow generates and saves a reportlet showing the effect of resampling the BOLD signal using the standard deviation maps. .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from fmriprep.workflows.bold.resampling import init_bold_preproc_report_wf wf = init_bold_preproc_report_wf(mem_gb=1, reportlets_dir='.') **Parameters** mem_gb : float Size of BOLD file in GB reportlets_dir : str Directory in which to save reportlets name : str, optional Workflow name (default: bold_preproc_report_wf) **Inputs** in_pre BOLD time-series, before resampling in_post BOLD time-series, after resampling name_source BOLD series NIfTI file Used to recover original information lost during processing """ from nipype.algorithms.confounds import TSNR from niworkflows.interfaces import SimpleBeforeAfter from ...interfaces import DerivativesDataSink workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['in_pre', 'in_post', 'name_source']), name='inputnode') pre_tsnr = pe.Node(TSNR(), name='pre_tsnr', mem_gb=mem_gb * 4.5) pos_tsnr = pe.Node(TSNR(), name='pos_tsnr', mem_gb=mem_gb * 4.5) bold_rpt = pe.Node(SimpleBeforeAfter(), name='bold_rpt', mem_gb=0.1) bold_rpt_ds = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=reportlets_dir, suffix='variant-preproc'), name='bold_rpt_ds', mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEMORY_MIN_GB, run_without_submitting=True ) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bold_rpt_ds, [('name_source', 'source_file')]), (inputnode, pre_tsnr, [('in_pre', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, pos_tsnr, [('in_post', 'in_file')]), (pre_tsnr, bold_rpt, [('stddev_file', 'before')]), (pos_tsnr, bold_rpt, [('stddev_file', 'after')]), (bold_rpt, bold_rpt_ds, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) return workflow def _first(inlist): return inlist[0]