FAQ, Tips, and Tricks¶
Should I run quality control of my images before running fMRIPrep?¶
Yes. You should do so before any processing/analysis takes place.
Oftentimes (more often than we would like), images have fatal artifacts and problems.
Some exclusion criteria for data quality should be pre-specified before QC and any screening of the original data. Those exclusion criteria must be designed in agreement with the goals and challenges of the experimental design. For instance, when it is planned to run some cortical thickness analysis, images should be excluded even when they present the most subtle ghosts or other artifacts that may introduce biases in surface reconstruction. However, if the same artifactual data was planned to be used just as a reference for spatial normalization, some of those artifacts should be noted, but may not grant exclusion of the data.
When using publicly available datasets, an additional concern is that images may have gone through some kind of preprocessing (see next question).
What if I find some images have undergone some pre-processing already (e.g., my T1w image is already skull-stripped)?¶
These images imply an unknown level of preprocessing (e.g. was it already bias-field corrected?), which makes it difficult to decide on best-practices for further processing. Hence, supporting such images was considered very low priority for fMRIPrep. For example, see #707 and an illustration of downstream consequences in #939.
So for OpenFMRI, we’ve been excluding these subjects, and for user-supplied data, we would recommend reverting to the original, defaced, T1w images to ensure more uniform preprocessing.
My fMRIPrep run is hanging…¶
When running on Linux platforms (or containerized environments, because they are built around
Ubuntu), there is a Python bug that affects fMRIPrep that drives the Linux kernel to kill
processes as a response to running out of memory.
Depending on the process killed by the kernel, fMRIPrep may crash with a BrokenProcessPool
error or hang indefinitely, depending on settings.
While we are working on finding a solution that does not run up against this bug, this may take some
This can be most easily resolved by allocating more memory to the process, if possible.
Please find more information regarding this error from discussions on NeuroStars:
Additionally, consider using the --low-mem
flag, which will make some memory optimizations at the cost of disk space in the working directory.
ERROR: it appears that recon-all
is already running¶
When running FreeSurfer’s recon-all
, an error may say it appears it is already running.
FreeSurfer creates files (called IsRunning.{rh,lh,lh+rh}
, under the scripts/
to determine whether it is already executing recon-all
on that particular subject
in another process, compute node, etc.
If a FreeSurfer execution terminates abruptly, those files are not wiped out, and therefore,
the next time you try to execute recon-all
, FreeSurfer thinks it is still running.
The output you get from fMRIPrep will contain something like:
RuntimeError: Command:
recon-all -autorecon2-volonly -openmp 8 -subjid sub-020 -sd /outputs/freesurfer -nogcareg -nocanorm -nocareg -nonormalization2 -nomaskbfs -nosegmentation -nofill
Standard output:
Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.1-f53a55a
Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.1-f53a55a
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /outputs/freesurfer
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /opt/freesurfer
-rw-rw-r-- 1 11239 users 207798 Apr 1 16:19 /outputs/freesurfer/sub-020/scripts/recon-all.log
Linux 62324c0da859 4.4.0-142-generic #168-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 16 21:00:45 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
ERROR: it appears that recon-all is already running
for sub-020 based on the presence of /outputs/freesurfer/sub-020/scripts/IsRunning.lh+rh. It could
also be that recon-all was running at one point but
died in an unexpected way. If it is the case that there
is a process running, you can kill it and start over or
just let it run. If the process has died, you should type:
rm /outputs/freesurfer/sub-020/scripts/IsRunning.lh+rh
and re-run. Or you can add -no-isrunning to the recon-all
command-line. The contents of this file are:
SUBJECT sub-020
HEMI lh rh
DATE Fri Mar 22 20:33:09 UTC 2019
USER root
HOST 622795a21a5f
OS Linux
Linux 622795a21a5f 4.4.0-142-generic #168-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 16 21:00:45 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$Id: recon-all,v 1.580.2.16 2017/01/18 14:11:24 oesteban Exp $
Standard error:
Return code: 1
As suggested by the recon-all
output message, deleting these files will enable
FreeSurfer to execute recon-all
In general, please be cautious of deleting files and mindful why a file may exist.
Running subjects in parallel¶
When running several subjects in parallel, and depending on your settings, fMRIPrep may fall into race conditions. A symptomatic output looks like:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/scratch/03201/jbwexler/openneuro_fmriprep/data/ds000003_work/ds000003-download/derivatives/fmriprep-1.4.0/fmriprep/logs/CITATION.md'
If you would like to run fMRIPrep in parallel on multiple subjects please use this method.
How much CPU time and RAM should I allocate for a typical fMRIPrep run?¶
The recommended way to run fMRIPrep is to process one subject per container instance. A typical preprocessing run without surface processing with freesurfer can be completed in about 2 hours with 4 CPUs or in about 1 hour with 16 CPUs. More than 16 CPUs do not translate into faster processing times for a single subject. About 8GB of memory should be available for a single subject preprocessing run.
Below are some benchmark data that have been computed on a high performance cluster compute node with Intel E5-2683 v4 CPUs and 64 GB of physical memory:
Compute Time: time in hours to complete the preprocessing for all subjects. Physical Memory: the maximum of RAM usage
used across all fMRIPrep processes as reported by the HCP job manager. Virtual Memory: the maximum of virtual memory used
across all fMRIPrep processes as reported by the HCP job manager. Threads: the maximum number of threads per process as
specified with –omp-nthreads
in the fMRIPrep command.
The above figure illustrates that processing 2 subjects in 2 fMRIPrep instances with 8 CPUs each is approximately as fast as processing 2 subjects in one fMRIPrep instance with 16 CPUs. However, on a distributed compute cluster, the two 8 CPU instances may be allocated faster than the single 16 CPU instance, thus completing faster in practice. If more than one subject is processed in a single fMRIPrep instance, then limiting the number of threads per process to roughly the number of CPUs divided by the number of subjects is most efficient.
A new version of fMRIPrep has been published, when should I upgrade?¶
We follow a philosophy of releasing very often, although the pace is slowing down with the maturation of the software. It is very likely that your version gets outdated over the extent of your study. If that is the case (an ongoing study), then we discourage changing versions. In other words, the whole dataset should be processed with the same version (and same container build if they are being used) of *fMRIPrep*.
On the other hand, if the project is about to start, then we strongly recommend using the latest version of the tool.
In any case, if you can find your release listed as flagged in this file of our repo, then please update as soon as possible.
What is TemplateFlow for?¶
TemplateFlow enables fMRIPrep to generate preprocessed outputs spatially normalized to a number of different neuroimaging templates (e.g. MNI). For further details, please check its documentation section.
I’m running fMRIPrep via Singularity containers - how can I troubleshoot problems?¶
We have extended this documentation to cover some of the most frequent issues other Singularity users have been faced with. Generally, users have found it hard to get TemplateFlow and Singularity to work together.